#AnuAggarwal reveals, “I am writing a book and my foundation is running projects as its prime focus is on the well-being of children”. November 14 is celebrated as #ChildrensDay in #India. The day spreads awareness around the rights, education and welfare of the young ones, as per wikipedia. Schools and colleges across the country usually hold special events on this day. Looking back, things have changed much in the way it was celebrated before and how it happens now. Our life has also progressed given the technological advancements. Actor Anu Aggarwal who is also a yoga expert and director shares her thoughts on how things have changed for kids today and what she thinks today’s kids are missing out on. She also reminisces about how things were much better when she was a kid.

“This is a crucial topic because for children today things are not easy. We must remember that they are the adults of tomorrow. I feel strongly about getting them on the right track and I am writing a book on this. Children today, in cities, are born to pollution, loud noises and so on. One of the biggest things children miss out on is open air, nature, trees and hills. So I have included Nature Walks and fun ways to connect with nature classes in gardens, a few we have in cities,” she says, adding that life earlier, when she was a kid, was simpler, healthier and much better.

Speaking on the scientific advancements and social media revolution, Anu feels that these things did not have a positive effect on children. She explains why and adds how it has affected their mental health too.

“The social media and technology, no matter how advanced and a part of our progressive evolution, is playing havoc with the mental health of children today. There are cases of brain-emotional damage happening to children due to watching or playing certain viral games at night. Their sleep patterns are getting affected while their focus capacity in the day is getting shorter and shorter. Attention span shorter and attention deficit are also results of these things. Mental disturbances, suicides, anxiety, depression, are increasing. I made Anufunyoga to train children’s minds, in a fun way, to tackle this malice by programming their minds to think well, be kind, stay positive no matter what; keeping calm is becoming more and more the need of the hour. Laughter, joy should be awakened in them,” says the actor of Aashiqui fame.