Amid the third wave, when more and more people are getting infected, there is a serious threat for children as well. Actor #PranitaaPandit expresses concern about her 16-month-old daughter Anysha.

“This third wave is harsh on kids and a lot of children and toddlers are testing positive as they are running around and touching everything. There is only so much that you could do. Anysha was also unwell but thankfully she tested negative, it was just a flu. Also, everyone in the house was sick. We all isolated for 10-12 days, took care of each other and taking care of Anysha was really tough,” she says.

Pranitaa panics a lot. “It’s because of Anysha that I’m most worried. You don’t want to see your child suffer and because of the COVID fear, she can’t really step out to play with other kids. To keep a one and half year old entertained is not easy. She is at the stage where she wants to explore, run in the garden, and play. That point of time locking a child in the house is heartbreaking,” she adds.

The actor is presently in Goa. She is there for work. “It was not exactly a vacation that I went for. I was just travelling around and looking for places as we had plans to invest in Goa and do something there. That is as a family. Thanks to COVID that we have all realised that a second home is a must. In Mumbai, we have flats and I want to give a little life to my daughter where she can run around and feel free,” shares the actor.

Pranitaa, who has taken some time off to raise her daughter, is not sure when she will resume work. “I know I can work as I have a good support system. But then now there is so much to do, so many different kinds of responsibilities. I respect all mothers who work after having a child and who don’t, and take out time and invest in their child. I really don’t know how I am going to manage. It’s easier said than done, especially in a work like ours where the commitment level is high,” she adds.

Sharing more about her thought process, the actor says that earlier it would surprise her every time she heard parents would decide to take a four-five year break after having a baby.

“But now, I am in that and I understand. You really don’t want to miss watching your child grow. The presence of a parent with a child all the time is very important. I come from a very progressive family. My husband is extremely supportive and even I am supportive towards his work. We are very clear that one of us needs to be there. I am absolutely okay to be working when he is with Anysha. I don’t want to give up my career completely and not do anything. I have been working since the age of 18 and I can’t just stop. Maybe things will change later. I want to be busy and do what I enjoy,” she ends.